Sunday, October 14, 2012


On September 27, 2012 clear sky and A.Y Jackson BBQ night was a great day for viewing the moon with our advanced telescope that were brought by the Royal Canadian Astronomy. Thanks to them that was the first time I ever saw Mars, Jupiter and the Moon with my own eyes, I was quite impressed when I saw the moon, it looked like a giant styrofoam ball flowing in the air, but the Mars and the Jupiter were just a dot in the telescope. I have to be honest, I never look up in the sky when I walk outside, that day the Astronomies they were explaining the stories behind the stars and teaching us how to identify the stars by its location, as I remembered one of the astronomies showed us the seven sisters in the sky, the Pleiades  That was quite impressive how they can spot them easily can retelling us the story behind the star. However that night the moon was very bright and visible therefore I took a few photos though the telescope and here are the pictures that I've taken on the A.Y Jackson barbecue night.

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