Sunday, October 14, 2012

Hot Air Balloon No.1

Hot Air Balloon No.1

With the materials provided by Mr. Chung ten birthday candle, big garbage bag and we used the left over straws from our egglander to make the balloon. We followed the sketch on the white board to start with our base design, it looks like a X shaped with excess length of straws curved on the edge to attach with the garbage bag. The total process of making the base of the hot air balloons and sticking the bag to the base structure plus fused five candles to the base evenly apart. Unfortunately our hot air balloon did not fly, I think the reason is because the garbage bag was too heavy. If we had a chance to fix our hot air balloon on the spot I would cut down all five candles by half to reduce the weight as well with the straws, therefore the whole mass of the base is reduced by half. The main problem of this hot air balloon is the bag, because we're using candles to give heat to the bag, and the birthday candles doesn't provide enough heat to flow. In this case grab one of the light recycled bag from the supermarket and attach them all together, our hot air balloon should work just fine.

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