Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Egglander


The in class assignment is to make an egg lander by only using 20 straws and half newspaper. It takes us awhile to design for the most important part of the lander, the base. That we used multiple triangles for our base so it would acted like a spring and absorb the impact for the egg, and not let the raw egg have direct impact towards the ground. After we finished with the base we cover the top of the egg with more triangles, because if we don't the egg would fly out of the container, it's a fairly simple structure for an egglander that is made out of straw. However we're concerned about the lander will land the opposite side so we added a badminton birdie like structure made out of newspaper and straws on the top. Therefore we're positive about the lander will fall the way we wanted to be.

Results: Unfortunately our egglander did not survive the landing. Due to the fact that the egglander bounced in the air and landed sideways and popped the egg from the side. Our base and the birdie on top worked perfectly as we planned, but we didn't thought the egg lander would bounce and landed on the side and cracked the egg.


To improve our egg lander I would suggest we keep the original design of the egglander and add more straws on the side and make the base bigger, therefore the egglander will still do the same thing, secure the egg from the impact and not landed on its side and crack. Another big factor that I think we failed it's because we used a half cracked egg, it was leaking albumen at the moment, because we're unprepared. I would strongly suggest to bring an healthy strong egg right on the testing date, that would greatly increase the rate of preventing the egg from cracking.

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